Sunday, March 17, 2013

Time for a Change

For the past 3 years we have started every school day with a bible study lesson from Grapevine Studies, and the kids have loved every minute of it. But, after having gone through both the Old and New Testament studies 3 times over, I decided to look for something a little different.

Now, I am not a fan of devotionals that take scripture out of context and attempt to relate them to some fictional, however touching, modern day story. Finding something that would keep both of my 6 year old and 9 year old happy, while focusing on the bible itself, not interpretations of it, was going to be difficult. However, while searching through Peace Hill Press's website to order the next level of our language arts program, I came upon their religious program, Telling God's Story. Since one of the collaborators is Susan Wise Bauer, whom I'm a fan of, I promptly ordered the Parent Guide Book, the Year One Book and it's companion Activity Book. So far, the girls LOVE it.

The focus is on Jesus, which I like. They are short, which I like since I have a 6 year old whose focus I need to keep. And the activities provide solidification of each lesson through fun crafts and games, which all three of us love.  A consider this a huge score in our homeschooling endeavors!

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