Friday, June 7, 2013

Tearing Apart

Today begins the week my husband loathes.

It's the week when I take our entire school room apart, dump it into the family room, reorganize it as well as the curriculum for the next school year, and finally put it all back. We all hate clutter and chaos, but in this instance, it's inevitable and it will be epic.

Typically I would have had school breaks to to stay on top of things, but because of the medical treatments I had, I've actually not had a true school break since Christmas. Naturally, this has led to a lot of mess and a distinct lack of sanity.

So, here we go. This is the room to start with (with the table already removed). I am going to assess what worked, what didn't, and plan the room accordingly.

In J.D. Meier's book, Getting Results the Agile Way, he states to set goals in threes. Three for the day, three for the week, etc. My goals are as follows:

For today:
1. Remove everything possible from the school room in as organized a fashion as possible, using the 3 pile method (keep, toss, give).
2. Clean the room (vacuum, dust, etc.)
3. Move/remove large pieces of furniture/critter cages to achieve the desired configuration.

For the week (which will technically end on Friday, June 14th):
1. Have the school room clean and organized.
2. Have all curriculum sorted, copied, organized by week and craft/project shopping lists complete for the entire school year.
3. Remember to feed myself/husband/children/pets during the process.

And, an additional goal, to blog about our next years' curriculum choices. Maybe that should be goal #3. I mean really...the kids know how to make a sandwich.

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